Invisible Aids
What are these Invisible Aids I see advertised?
These are very small hearing aids that sit quite deeply in the ear canal and as such cannot be seen once in the ear. Legally they can be termed ‘Invisible In The Ear’ hearing aids. They are cosmetically the most discreet aids but are not for everybody.
Wireless Hearing Aids
What are ‘Wireless’ Hearing Aids
The newest ranges of hearing aids are now mostly ‘wireless’. This means they can be programmed whilst in the ear and can be operated via remote control if desired. The wearer can turn the volume up or down via a small remote control no bigger than a mobile phone. Wireless hearing aids can also communicate with each other to better simulate the spatial and temporal qualities of normal hearing. We can also pair many hearing aids up now to work via your mobile phone
I know someone who bought hearing aids abroad and are now finding it difficult to get them fine tuned in U.K Yes, after care is essential with hearing aids. Most reputable retailers will offer free after care with hearing aids to include fine tuning. Hearing acuity changes with time and therefore hearing aids need adjusting over time. It’s always best in my opinion to purchase hearing aids from a local source.
Do all hearing aids require batteries?
There are now some ‘re-chargeable’ hearing aids that do not take batteries, recharging units are easy to use and free of charge with some models